Terms and conditions:

Discounts not valid with any other offer. Non-transferrable. Not redeemable for cash. All other rules and regulations apply. We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone. We reserve the right to discontinue service to any participant or group at any time and without refund if, under Blue Spruce staff’s discretion, it is unsafe to continue service for any reason.

Cancellation policy on courses:

Course fees are charged in full, following your course registration. Every Course registration is inclusive of a $100 non- refundable registration fee to hold the reservation. For cancellation between 1 month and 2 months prior to the course, 50% of the remaining total course price is charged. For cancellation within 1 month from the course date, 100% of the remaining total trip price is charged. All change requests are processed as a cancellation from the current course and a new booking for the requested course. Cancellation and change requests must be submitted and are processed by email directly to Brian@bluespruceoutdoorschool.com. Call to ensure receipt – receipt is necessary for valid cancellation or change request.

Weather policy:

Please note, weather is part of the mountain environment and we may experience conditions that you do not consider ideal. If your guide determines that weather is permissible and you instead wish to discontinue the tour/trip/event, we will end the trip at your request with no refund. If weather is encountered that is not deemed permissible by your guide, we reserve the right to implement a backup plan, which may include, but may not be limited to, change of location. If your trip is less than 1/2 complete, we will charge 50% of trip fee. If between 1/2 and completed, a full trip fee is charged.

Minor policy:

Blue Spruce may, at its sole discretion, allow minors to attend courses and/or privately guided trips without a parent present. In either case, Apex reserves the right to discontinue minor’s participation at any time if determined that minor is acting in an unsafe, inappropriate or otherwise disruptive manner, without refund. Minors not transparently and accurately conveying and detailing medical conditions of any type on their participant form may be removed from participation with no refund. Minors and their parent(s)/guardian(s) are responsible for their behavior, transportation and otherwise as it relates to their participation, and they will not be transported by staff under any circumstances.

Other concerns:

As a mountain and river company we operate in mountain environments where mountain weather is the norm. We do not cancel outings or courses due to adverse road conditions. Last minute rescheduling’s or refunds are not given for these or other matters out of Blue Spruce Outdoor School’s control. Plan and prepare accordingly.